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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Maintenance to Prevent Water Damage

1/6/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Castle Rock/Parker specializes in the cleanup and remediation of water damage

So, as you might expect, we’ve seen some of the worst possible water damage, from burst water heaters to ruptured pipes to actual flooding. 

What’s remarkable about many cases of water damage is that, often, the damage could have been prevented with proper maintenance. This is something that many home and business owners simply do not know, which is why we’re dedicating this week’s blog post to the basic maintenance you can do to prevent water damage to your home or commercial building. 

[Note: Please keep in mind that these tips are not provided as guarantees against water damage, and every property is going to differ when it comes to maintenance best practices.]

#1: Disconnect garden hoses, especially during the fall and winter months.

We see this a lot: when hoses are left attached to a water source, the standing water within them can often freeze. When this happens, the freezing water expands, and the ice blockage travels inside the building, sometimes causing pipe bursts and subsequent water damage to the property. 

This can happen even when the interior temperature of the building is significantly higher than the outside temperature. As a general rule, disconnect all hoses from their spigots when they’re not in use. 

#2: Perform quarterly inspections of all water-using appliances. 

Every few months, make it a point to inspect the operational condition of the appliances in your home or office. Pay extra attention to the connections between the appliance and the water supply, looking for leaks, corrosion, or loose fittings. 

If your dishwasher, water heater, clothes washer, or other water-using appliance is in need of repair or replacement, doing so sooner than later can help protect you from costly water damage down the line.

#3: Consider installing water detection devices. 

Small, battery-powered devices that detect moisture can be installed near water heaters, toilets, and other appliances. They will emit an alarm when moisture levels reach a certain threshold, giving you the opportunity to get ahead of leaks and overflows before they cause serious damage.

Installing these devices may be overkill for smaller homes, but for those with numerous water-carrying appliances, they can offer much-needed peace of mind. 

#4: Unblock gutters, downspouts, and other external water routing hardware.

It’s tempting to let debris-filled gutters go unattended for months or even years. However, doing so could be setting you up for water damage. 

When the water routing system on your roof isn’t functioning effectively, spillover can wreak havoc on the ground below. Standing water begins to accumulate, and before long, water intrusion starts taking its toll. 

Also, blocked gutters can cause water to collect on the roof. This pooling can freeze in the colder months, causing expansion that can burst gutters and downspouts, causing potentially thousands in damage. 

To address this, inspect your gutters, downspouts and other water runoff routing hardware for signs of blockages, and clear them away on a regular basis. 

#5: Take a water pressure reading.

Most residential and commercial buildings have adequate water pressure regulation, but this isn’t always the case. 

Having exceptionally high water pressure puts a lot of strain on the pipes and valves that are integral to the water transmission system within your home or commercial building. This strain can cause leaking and bursting without any warning whatsoever. 

To take a water pressure reading, buy a water pressure gauge at your local hardware store, install it onto an external water spigot, and then turn the water on to maximum flow. If the water pressure reading exceeds 100 PSI, you’re going to want to install a water pressure regulator (also available at most hardware stores). 

#6: Keep tabs on your water use by checking your bill for spikes.

If your home or commercial building uses a ‘normal’ amount of water most months and then, suddenly, you notice your water bill spike, there could be a leak somewhere. 

Surprise water leaks can be insidious, not to mention very costly. Not only are you paying for the wasted water, but it’s possible the water being wasted is also causing damage to the building. If you suspect this is happening, put on your detective hat and try to get to the source of the mystery water leak. 

Is the Damage Already Done? Contact SERVPRO. 

If your home or commercial building has already been marred by water damage, then it’s time to take action to remediate it. That’s why your local SERVPRO is available, 24 hours a day, to assess water damage and take the necessary steps to repair it. 

To get started, contact us today.

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